What is interactive social media? And how is it different than regular social media posts? Basically, doing interactive type posts are any content a user can click on, click-through, answer or play-with. It’s a great way to stand out from the crowd, (to minimize people endlessly scrolling through their feed) and increase your overall reach. Examples of interactive type posts include contests, polls, employee spotlights and videos.
While these types of posts are great for increasing engagement, they do take a little more effort and planning putting them together, and closer monitoring of your page (can’t set it and forget it). For example, if you are running a contest, it’s important to check the posts often to ensure there are no questions and if there are, to be able to respond back to them in a timely manner. If you are unable to monitor, assign someone from your staff to handle it. If you are getting new people responding to the post, make sure to send them an invite to like your page, so they will see your posts going forward. The other thing to consider with doing interactive social media, is there could be an additional cost involved. This could be a prize for a contest, running an ad, or creating a video. Keep these two things in mind, when adding interactive posts to your 2020 social media plan.
Our recommendation is to incorporate one to two interactive posts a month to your social media platforms. Doing more often can just wear people out and lose interest in your page all together. Have fun with them, they don’t always have to be pharmacy/health related. Here are some examples:
Contest: Giveaway a free ham at Easter or Christmas, or a gift card to a local restaurant to show your support for other neighboring businesses. Run it for no more than two weeks, and make sure you announce the winner, so people know the contest is legit. If possible, take a picture with the winner and post to your page as well, to also increase engagement of the overall event.
Polls: These are a great way to learn something about your followers, or to gain knowledge on your business. For example, ask what types of front-end products would they like to see in the pharmacy? Be sure to only ask the question, if you plan to follow-through. Followers will be discouraged from answering additional questions if they didn’t see any results from the last one. You can also have fun with it, and just ask, What’s your favorite Halloween candy?
Employee Spotlights: People love seeing photos of other people, and it also humanizes your pharmacy. Take a photo of each staff member, and feature them on your page, along with a quick bio, how long they have worked there, their favorite product you sell, etc. Just make sure to get your staff member’s permission before posting.
Videos: Research has shown videos have the highest reach and engagement of any content type. Take a video in the pharmacy on a new product or service, highlight an employee’s birthday, or a charity event you are a part of, are just a few examples. Make it more interactive by asking a question during the video for followers to answer.
Try incorporating one of these interactive post suggestions on your social media platforms to boost engagement and to secure higher reach.